Research &
Some universities Marc guest-lectured
University of Cincinnati
RMIT University
Parsons The New School for Design
University of New South Wales
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Macromedia University for Media and Communication
Aalto Executive Education Academy
MCI Management Center Innsbruck
ESC La Rochelle - Business School
IE Business School
Publication List
Mobile ethnography – a pioneering research approach for customer-centred destination management
Stickdorn, M., Frischhut, B. & Schmid, J. (2014). Mobile ethnography – a pioneering research approach for customer-centred destination management, Tourism Analysis, 19(4), pp. 491-504.
Service Design
Stickdorn, M. (2013). “Service Design”, in: Maccabe, S. (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Tourism Marketing, London: Routledge, pp. 329-344.
Mobile Ethnography – Towards a more user-centred and processual ethnographic research method to analyse customer experience
Stickdorn, M. (2013). Mobile Ethnography – Towards a more user-centred and processual ethnographic research method to analyse customer experience, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Doctoral Consortium.
Mobile Ethnography – Towards a more user-centred and processual ethnographic research method to analyse customer experience
Stickdorn, M. (2013). Mobile Ethnography – Towards a more user-centred and processual ethnographic research method to analyse customer experience, The ethnographic praxis in industry conference (EPIC) Doctoral Consortium.
Tourism and Service Design Thinking
Stickdorn, M. (2012). Tourism and Service Design Thinking. Touchpoint – The Journal of Service Design, 4(1), pp. 58-61.
Service Design als innovativer Ansatz für kundenzentriertes Change Management
Stickdorn, M., & Schneider, J. (2012). Service Design als innovativer Ansatz für kundenzentriertes Change Management. Zeitschrift für Organisations Entwicklung, 2/2012, pp. 38-44.
Mobile ethnography - Introducing a new research approach for the analysis of customer experiences in comparison with current research methods
Stickdorn, M. (2012). Mobile ethnography - Introducing a new research approach for the analysis of customer experiences in comparison with current research methods. 7. Forschungsseminar „Innovation & Wertschöpfung“ Conference Proceedings.
Mobile Ethnography as a new research tool for customer-driven destination management – A case study of applied service design in St. Anton/Austria
Frischhut, B., Stickdorn, M., Zehrer, A. (2012). Mobile Ethnography as a new research tool for customer-driven destination management – A case study of applied service design in St. Anton/Austria. CAUTHE 2012 Book of Proceedings – The new golden age of tourism and hospitality, Book 2. Melbourne: CAUTHE, pp.160-166
Case studies of Applied Research Projects on Mobile Ethnography for Tourism Destinations
Stickdorn, M. & Frischhut, B. (2012). Case studies of Applied Research Projects on Mobile Ethnography for Tourism Destinations. Norderstedt: Books on Demand.
Bridging the gap: A framework to seamlessly move between Service Design and Business
Stickdorn, M. & Hormeß, M. (2012). „Bridging the gap: A framework to seamlessly move between Service Design and Business“, ServDes 2012 Conference Proceedings, online.
Mobile ethnography as a pioneering research approach for customer-centred destination management in European tourism
Stickdorn, M., Frischhut, B. & Schmid, J. (2012). Mobile ethnography as a pioneering research approach for customer-centred destination management in European tourism. Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual Conference 2012 Conference Proceedings.
Key success factors for fan zones (public viewings) of mega sports events – The case of the UEFA EURO 2008TM in Austria
Schnitzer, M. & Stickdorn, M. (2012). „Key success factors for fan zones (public viewings) of mega sports events – The case of the UEFA EURO 2008TM in Austria“. European Journal of Tourism Management, 5(1), pp. 19-37.
Service design thinking as a new common mindset for the changing society
Stickdorn, M. (2011). Service design thinking as a new common mindset for the changing society, Conference proceedings of The 6th Jeju Forum: New Asia for Peace and Prosperity, Seoul: Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies.
The value of social media marketing for higher education in tourism – A case study of the MCI Tourism study program.
Zehrer, A., Grabmüller, A. & Stickdorn, M. (2011). The value of social media marketing for higher education in tourism – A case study of the MCI Tourism study program. Conference on Social Media and Tourism, in print.
Visitors’ Economic Impact, Satisfaction and Image Analysis of the UEFA EURO 2008 in Austria
Stickdorn, M., Schütte, N., Siller, H., Zehrer, A. (2010). „Visitors’ Economic Impact, Satisfaction and Image Analysis of the UEFA EURO 2008 in Austria“. In Kaiser, S. et al. (Hrsg.).: Sustainable Event Managment / Lessons Learnt & Prospects. Kufstein. S.199-208.
This is Service Design Thinking
Stickdorn, M. & Schneider, J. (2010). This is Service Design Thinking. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers.
Sustainable Development of Second Homes – How the business community of Kitzbühel (Austria) perceives impacts of second homes
Zehrer, A, & Stickdorn, M. (2010). „Sustainable Development of Second Homes – How the business community of Kitzbühel (Austria) perceives impacts of second homes“, ISTTE 2010 Conference proceedings.
Service Design im Tourismus – Die Erfassung der touristischen Kontaktpunktkette durch mobile Ethnographie
Stickdorn, M., Grabmueller, A., Zehrer, A., & Siller, H. (2010). Service Design im Tourismus – Die Erfassung der touristischen Kontaktpunktkette durch mobile Ethnographie. 4. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen. Pinkafeld: FFH, pp. 204-209.
Service Design for tourism SMEs – The concept of service design and its application on the Alpine Zoo in Innsbruck, Austria
Stickdorn, M., & Zehrer, A. (2010). „Service Design for tourism SMEs – The concept of service design and its application on the Alpine Zoo in Innsbruck, Austria“. ServDes – Conference for Service Design and Innovation, online:
Nachhaltiges Tourismusmanagement – internationale Best Practices für den alpinen Tourismus
Frischhut, B. & Stickdorn, M. (2010). „Nachhaltiges Tourismusmanagement – internationale Best Practices für den alpinen Tourismus“, in Siller, H., & Zehrer, A.: Entrepreneurship & Tourismus. Unternehmerisches Denken und Erfolgskonzepte aus der Praxis. Wien: Linde Verlag.
Mobile ethnography: How service design aids the tourism industry to cope with the behavioral change of social media
Stickdorn, M., & Zehrer, A. (2010). Mobile ethnography: How service design aids the tourism industry to cope with the behavioral change of social media. Touchpoint – The Journal of Service Design, 2(1), pp. 82-85.
Service Design in Tourism
Stickdorn, M. (2009): “Service Design in Tourism”, in: Miettinen S.; Koivisto, M. (eds.): Designing Services with Innovative Methods, Helsinki: Taik Publications.
Service Design in Tourism – Customer Experience Driven Destination Management
Stickdorn, M., Zehrer, A. (2009): “Service Design in Tourism – Customer Experience Driven Destination Management”, Proceedings of the First Nordic Conference on Service Design and Service Innovation, online:
myServiceFellow: gaining genuine customer insights
Stickdorn, M., Schneider, J. (2009): “myServiceFellow: gaining genuine customer insights”, Proceedings of the First Nordic Conference on Service Design and Service Innovation, online:
Besucherzufriedenheit der UEFA EURO 2008TM in Österreich
Stickdorn, M. (2009): “Besucherzufriedenheit der UEFA EURO 2008TM in Österreich”, in Preuss et al.: Analyse der wirtschaftliche Wirkungen und Zufriedenheit der Besucher der UEFA EURO 2008TM in Österreich, Gabler Verlag: Wiesbaden.
Second Homes and Sustainable Development – A Perception Analysis of Second Homes in Kitzbühel, Austria
Zehrer, A.; Siller, H.; Stickdorn, M. (2008): “Second Homes and Sustainable Development – A Perception Analysis of Second Homes in Kitzbühel, Austria”, in Keller, B,; Bieger, T.: Real Estate and Destination Development in Tourism, ESV: Berlin.
Affinity-Group Management – Capturing Elusive Scene Markets
Stickdorn, M. (2007): Affinity-Group Management – Capturing Elusive Scene Markets, BoD: Norderstedt.
Core77 Design Awards 2018
European Academy of Management (EURAM) Doctoral Colloquium 2013: Best Paper Award
Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Europe 2012: Best Paper Award
European Design Awards 2011 – Best of Show
European Design Awards 2011 – Gold Book Design
Red Dot Design Award 2011
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